
  • 数学(主修和辅修)
  • 应用数学(专业)
  • 数据分析(辅修)

The 数学系 at 网易彩票下载 seeks to provide excellent instruction to enable you to be competent in the mathematics required for your chosen field, and to share our expertise with the community through service and leadership.

了解更多网易彩票app这个部门的信息 使命、愿景和学习成果.



The BA in 数学 is designed to provide you with a good general background in mathematics.  作为一个数学专业的学生, you will learn analytical skills that can be used in a wide variety of fields.

  • 本专业至少需要64个学分, 包括35个高年级学分.
  • This BA is an excellent background for students interested in mathematics as a liberal arts major and for those who wish to teach mathematics at the secondary level. 
  • If you are pursuing an endorsement in Secondary Education, you must take MAT 3401 and either MAT 3333 or MAT 3360 as part of the 12 mathematics elective credits for the BA. 
  • MAT 4930最多2个学分 可以应用.



The BS in 数学 is designed to prepare you for graduate work or a professional career in mathematics.

  • 本专业至少需要72学分, 包括至少40个高年级学分.
  • 相关认可课程15学分 也需要用到数学. 
  • 课程MAT 4363和MAT 4830 强烈推荐BS. 
  • 你必须保持最少2个.所有数学课程的GPA都是5分 获得数学学士学位. 
  • 如果你打算攻读数学专业的研究生, you are strongly advised to take further work in real analysis in the upper-division program and to acquire a reading knowledge of 法国德语或俄语.




应用数学学士学位是一个灵活的, 然而,要求, major designed for students interested in careers involving the applications of mathematics in a particular field.

除了完成数学课程, you must select a field of concentration in which mathematics is applied, 完成这两个领域的课程. 学习的例子程序可以在 数学系网站.

  • 这个专业总共需要78个学分。 包括数学和计算机科学课程, 至少20个应用领域学分.
  • 至少需要47个高年级学分, 其中数学27人,应用领域20人.
  • 课程MAT 3237, 3238和3360强烈推荐 as part of the upper-division electives for the BS in Applied 数学.
  • CSC 2430可以取代CSC 2230 为学生强调计算在他们的应用领域.
  • All upper-division elective courses for the major must be approved by the 数学系. 咨询你的指导老师, you must submit an individual plan specifying your field of concentration and listing the upper-division elective courses you intend to take. This plan should be submitted and approved before you have completed more than two of your upper-division elective courses in either 数学 or the applied field.
  • At least three of your upper-division courses in the applied field 应该以数学为导向.

注意: Upper-division courses in the applied field will typically have lower-division prerequisites not listed in the credit total. 取决于选择的浓度, you may have as many as 25 credits of necessary lower-division course work outside the major.



如果你想辅修数学, 从微积分系列开始:MAT 1234, 垫1235, 和MAT 1236, 哪些是大多数高年级课程的先决条件.

  • 这门辅修课程至少需要30个学分, 包括15个高年级学分.
  • 所有高年级选修课 for the 数学 minor must be approved by the 数学系 faculty.
  • MAT 3749和MAT 4402 强烈建议所有未成年人使用.
  • 中等教学辅修 必须包括MAT 3749, MAT 4402和MAT 3442.
  • 最多3个学分 在MAT 4904或MAT 4930可以应用.


Data analytics (DA) uses data-driven techniques to transform raw data into useful information — information that may be used to identify and solve problems, 评估主张并作出推论, 并影响人类的决策和机器模型. 了解更多 网易彩票app这个30学分的跨学科辅修课程.


In order to earn a degree, you must complete at least one academic major. 上海外国语大学鼓励学生探索不同的学术路径, 所以如果你改变主意选大调还是小调, 或者想要包含一个额外的程序, 你可以这样做, 如下所述.

Note that the University encourages you to enter your chosen major(s) and minor(s) by the start of your junior year. Students who transfer as juniors and seniors should enter a major within their first two quarters at SPU.

  • 如果这是你在西雅图大学的第一节课 and you identified a major in this department as your first choice on your application for admission to the University, 你已经进入专业了. 改变或增加大调或小调; 遵循以下说明.
  • 如果你是SPU学生,SPU累计GPA为2.0或更高, 遵循以下说明 主修:进入本系主修或辅修.
  • Students on academic probation (with an SPU cumulative GPA below 2.0) will not be permitted to enter a new major or minor until they regain good academic standing.
  • 这所大学要求成绩达到C或更高 in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses. 为了获得更高的分数,你只能重修SPU的课程一次.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, meet with your faculty advisor regularly to discuss your grades, 课程进展, 以及其他令人满意的学业进步指标. If your grades or other factors indicate that you may not be able to successfully complete the major or minor, 你的指导老师可以和你一起探索各种选择, 这可能包括选择不同的主修或辅修.
  • 你必须完成主要或次要的要求 that are in effect in the SPU 本科目录 for the year you enter the major or minor.




If you plan to obtain Residency Teacher Certification (K–8) and are interested in mathematics, 你必须主修 综合研究专业 专攻数学的.

  • This concentration consists of courses in calculus, algebra, geometry, and statistics.
  • The advisor for the mathematics concentration is Professor Jerilynn Lepak (lepakj@salamzone.com).


If you plan to obtain secondary (high school) Residency Teacher Certification with endorsement in mathematics, 你应该攻读数学学士学位, 你也必须完成 二级认证要求 通过教育学院.

如果你想成为一名教师,请访问 教育学院 获取完整信息.



三年的高中数学, 包括三角函数, are required for all students entering one of the degree programs. 然而, 如果你打算以数学为职业, you are urged to take a minimum of four years of high school mathematics.

Students deficient in their high school mathematics preparation must take the appropriate courses below the calculus level in consultation with the 数学系 to make up the deficiency before starting one of the math degree programs.


检查 AP,剑桥国际,IB转学表 to see how your test scores may count toward mathematics course requirements.


Appropriate placement into mathematics courses depends upon your intended major, 以及资格标准. 参见数学安置 有关详细信息,.



Students majoring in 数学 should have strong computer skills.

Those who plan on a career in industry or applied mathematics should also have skills in computer programming.

网易彩票下载的Otto Miller Hall


参观 数学系 to see how a degree in mathematics can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.



建议课程顺序 帮助你及时完成你的学位.