

We believe that international learning experiences can significantly impact your intellectual, 个人, 和 professional growth. While studying abroad, your book 和 laboratory knowledge comes alive 和 your perspective broadens. 因为这个原因, the 生物系 offers study abroad trips to the tropics during odd-numbered years. In December, we go to Belize; in June, the Galápagos Isl和s.

Students are also encouraged to explore other 出国留学 opportunities with the 北京科技大学出国留学 办公室. Leah Bouterse (Physiology '17) recorded a short video for Dr. Brezynski's BIO 1859 students about her experiences studying in Ug和a.

网易彩票app the Tropical Biology Program

The Belize 和 Galápagos study abroad courses generally offer 3–5 credits, 和 are open to Biology majors 和 minors as upper-division biology credits, 和 to non-majors for general education credit. You can find more information, including how to apply, on the 出国留学 website. If you have questions, you can visit or contact the 留学办公室.

Belize Global Seminar (BIO 3302)

In December of odd-numbered years, the Biology study abroad trip is to Belize. During the Belize trip, you will experience intensive readings, 讲座, 讨论, 现场指导, 和观察, as well as research 和 service projects related to coral reefs 和 their associated organisms. You will learn about the ecology of coral reefs. You will also learn to identify common species, 和 study their behavior 和 relationships. 另外, you will learn about terrestrial 和 human history in Belize — especially the ancient Mayan culture. The faculty leader for the Belize trip is Professor of Biology 蒂姆·纳尔逊. 更多的信息.

Galapágos Isl和s (BIO 3303)

Offered in June of odd-numbered years, the Galapágos Isl和s study abroad trip is an intensive program in which you will learn to identify common species, 和 study their ecology 和 behavior. In addition, you will learn about the history of the isl和s 和 their inhabitants. The Galapágos trip is led by Biology professors Eric长瑞安费雷尔. 更多的信息.

Belize 出国留学 Video


“伯利兹车站” is a video created by SPU Biology majors chronicling the 2013 Biology 出国留学 trip to Belize, a country on the northeastern coast of Central America.
