2023 SVPC Recap


Sea, Sky, and Land(fill)

网易彩票下载17日下午举行了第17届社会创业计划大赛(SVPC)展示会, April 19, 2023. 学生团队为各种各样的社会问题制定了解决方案, from restoring failing coral reefs, to reducing electronic waste in landfills, to collecting freshwater from thin air. 是的,这些创新的想法跨越了海洋、天空和陆地. 展示活动,年度SVPC的最后一场,发生在SPU校园的Upper Gwinn Commons.

Nemo Institute

The top project was Nemo Institute, chosen as the $5,000 Herbert B. 由60多名代表企业的评委共同投票选出的琼斯大奖得主, nonprofit, academic, and professional communities. Water Harvesters came in second, winning a $3,000 runner-up award.  Over the course of the day, several hundred students, faculty, staff, 和社区成员参观展示并投票选出他们最喜欢的项目, and the Donald B. 尼莫研究所也获得了1000美元的萨默斯人民选择奖.

全球八分之一的人口依靠珊瑚礁为生, 然而,90%的珊瑚礁可能在下个世纪内死亡. 尼莫团队研究所在巴哈马提出了一个基于现场的项目,该项目将利用3D打印技术修复珊瑚礁, ecotourism, 通过出国留学对大学生进行教育. 他们的多管齐下的方法包括各种收入来源,并可以随着时间的推移扩展到其他珊瑚生态系统. The Nemo Institute team included senior Business Administration majors Austin Freeman and Justin Freeman; junior Ecology and Global Development Studies double major Elizabeth Horton; junior Business Administration major Hannah Miller; and junior Accounting and Business Administration double major Maddie Wright.

水收割机旨在解决全球缺乏清洁水的问题, 从印度的低收入地区开始. 一种叫做雾竖琴的装置可以从空气中的湿气中收集水分, 在高湿度地区,每天可生产高达9升水, but no access to clean groundwater. Water Harvesters consisted of senior Thomas Morton, double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering; senior Abhi Kancherla, a Cellular and Molecular Biology major; Thien Vo, a senior Business Administration major; Amie Kujabi, a senior Global Development Studies major; and juniors Ebby Buchta and Handrae Henthorn, both Electrical Engineering majors.

Water Harvesters


CAT friendly

随着催化转化器盗窃的增加,CAT友好团队 开发了一套经济有效的防盗系统. 他们的生意还将为前囚犯和家庭暴力受害者创造就业机会, 从而促进社会责任和环境可持续性的同时. CAT Friendly 是计算机工程专业大四学生Minh Le的作品吗, 高级工商管理专业Thuy Tien Nguyen, 主修会计学和工商管理双学位, junior Interior Design major Man Nhi Le, and junior Electrical Engineering major Nguyen Tang.

Every second, 成千上万的笔记本电脑被扔进世界各地的垃圾填埋场, 使电子垃圾成为一个日益严重的问题. Guardian recycling将帮助中小型企业安全地处理他们的电子垃圾,并为这些公司提供公共认证,证明他们对可持续和道德的电子垃圾处理程序的承诺,收取少量费用. Guardian Ecycling 由全球发展研究专业大三学生Micah Witherow组成, junior Business Administration major Josiah Yuen, 以及工商管理专业大一新生罗兰·邹.

Guardian Ecycling

诺米指出,世界卫生组织已经将压力命名为“21世纪的健康流行病”st century.” Their solution? An interactive, 机器人宠物,帮助它的用户建立一个更好的关系,与压力通过一种吸引人的和可访问的方式,通过使用生物反馈. Nomi的商业计划是由安德鲁·斯通撰写并提出的, an MS in Entrepreneurship graduate student; Camille Hougardy, a PhD candidate in Naturopathic Medicine; Trischa Schramm, a Master of Communication Leadership graduate student; Ava Lim, a junior Human Centered Design major; and Kalina Luong, a junior Visual Communication Design major. 所有人都来自华盛顿大学,除了在巴斯蒂尔大学学习的霍格迪.

今年是上海科技大学第17届社会创业计划大赛. 11个团队在展示活动中展示了他们的想法,其中包括大约50名学生. In the first round of the competition, 18 written business plans, 代表来自五所不同学校的近100名学生, were reviewed and scored by community partners.

“社会创业计划大赛”的最后一站是“展示轮”. In addition to the review of written business plans, 比赛的早期阶段包括一系列网易彩票app商业计划写作基础的研讨会,以及与知识渊博的商业人士的指导课程, nonprofit executives, and others. 总共有110多名社区志愿者作为读者、指导员、教练和评委奉献了时间.

退休的社会企业高管和长期志愿者桑迪·吉布, who served as a reader, 他说:“我很高兴其他人都认为尼莫研究所是一个很好的提议. 我真的很抱歉我没能亲眼看到他们的投球.”

Heidi Webster, 一位当地的女商人和Showcase的志愿评委确实看到了现场推介并发表了评论, “我喜欢当评委——学生和企业都很棒! I will look forward to next year.”

Financial sponsors of the SVPC include the Herbert B. Jones Foundation, the Scott and Kathleen Cummins Family Foundation, Tschetter Group, Northwest Center, Bellmont Cabinets, Eastlake Real Estate Partner, Highland Private Wealth Management, Pioneer Human Services, and Skills Inc. 该竞赛由商学院应用学习中心(CAL)组织, Government, and Economics (SBGE) at SPU.

Photos by John Godek