


Associate Professor of Educational Ministry and Practical Theology

电子邮件: douglassk@salamzone.com
电话: 206-281-2997
办公室: 亚历山大 & 阿德莱德412号厅

教育: BA, 格罗夫城市学院, 2003; MDiv and MA, 普林斯顿神学院, 2007; PhD, 普林斯顿神学院, 2013

Katie 道格拉斯 is an ordained minister in the PC(USA) and served, 和她的丈夫约翰, at the American Protestant Church: An International Congregation, 在波恩, 在回到德国攻读博士学位之前. 

自2013年以来,. 道格拉斯导演了一部1美元的电影《网易彩票app》.莉莉捐赠基金公司捐赠的一百万美元., that researches confirmation and equivalent practices that form disciples of Jesus Christ in five denominations (PC(USA), 联华电子, 圣公会, AME, 和ELCA)通过一项全国青年调查, 父母, 以及部门领导, 还有教会访问. The findings from this research and related events are available at www.theconfirmationproject.com.  

除了对基督教成人礼的研究之外. 道格拉斯教授过灵性方面的课程, 艺术和基督教的形成, 圣经的知识, and culturally responsive pedagogies as adjunct faculty at 普林斯顿神学院 and 网易彩票下载

带着他们的三个儿子,乔治、保罗和威尔. 道格拉斯 and her husband enjoy exploring Washington's national and state parks in tents, 在滑雪, 用冰镐, 在攀爬岩石时,它们遇到了.

欲知详情,请浏览 Dr. 道格拉斯的简历 (PDF).


The 信仰 Formation Project consists of two parts; (1) building a community of learning in the Pacific Northwest among families, 部门领导, and the academy regarding the intersectional realities and current challenges that influence Christian faith formation, and (2) conducting interdisciplinary research in practical theology and social cognitive psychology to better understand the transmission of the Christian faith from 父母 and caregivers to their children. Both dimensions support the common goal of supporting faith formation within families through congregations, giving special attention to what reconciliation might look like within these families as they navigate the experience of marginalization, 种族歧视, 不断变化的性别/性景观, 残疾, and issues related to mental health – some of which has been exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. 

Grant activities will include three community building and learning events each year: a fall “信仰 Formation: Lunch and Learn” event for local family 部门领导; a winter “信仰 Formation: Evenings Together” event at a local congregation that will provide space for learning and conversation with families 以及部门领导; a spring “信仰 Formation: Spring Conference” that will bring a national leader on faith formation to SPU’s campus. These three events will coincide with the development of a Certificate in 信仰 Formation at 西雅图太平洋神学院. 除了对教会领袖的支持, 每年四次聚会, will be awarded $5000 for the development and support of their ministry, potentially to be used to hire student interns from SPU’s theology majors and seminarians. 除了在校园和当地教会学习之外, we will go on a reconciliation pilgrimage to learn about the impact that Hansen’s disease (leprosy) had on families in Hawaii. During this pilgrimage we will learn about the complicated relationship between colonization and native populations in Hawaii related to this disease, 信仰在莫洛凯岛麻风病人聚居地的作用, and how this community healed and moved forward from this disease. 

此外,实践神学家凯瑟琳. 道格拉斯, 社会认知心理学家Brittany Tausen说, 社会心理学家, 珍妮Vaydich, will conduct mixed-methods research with families on faith socialization. Research will include focus groups with families to better understand faith socialization amid intersectionally complicated family dynamics. 研究还将包括制定一项调查, based on existing faith socialization research and focus group findings. Each year we will train four students in interdisciplinary research, who will create reports and presentations for the spring conference event. Research will be published for both academic and ministerial audiences. 

Creative in the Image of God: An Aesthetic Practical Theology of Young Adult 信仰

Cascade 书, 2020年


Eerdmanns 2018

教会在培养年轻人的信仰方面做了什么? Many church denominations that practice infant baptism offer confirmation or an equivalent ministry when children reach adolescence and enter a new phase of spiritual growth—but all churches, 不考虑传统, wrestle with how to get young adults to actively join the church. 真正有效的方法?

In this book twelve authors draw on a three-year study of more than three thousand US congregations across five denominations—United Methodist Church, 非洲卫理公会, 圣公会教堂, 美国福音派路德教会, 和长老会(美国)来回答这个紧迫的问题. They tell stories of excellent and innovative confirmation programs that work and that show, 最重要的是, 跟年轻人做门徒是多么好的一件事啊. 青年牧师, 教会领袖, and 父母 alike will benefit from the practices and new ways of teaching presented here that have proven helpful in forming and enhancing the faith of youth.


凯瑟琳·道格拉斯, Associate Professor of Educational Ministry and Practical Theology

“I love teaching at SPU because of the quirky way we fit into the PNW culture. As a community we care deeply about participating in God’s reconciling work between people and the land. As a liberal arts college we have the advantage of working across disciplines on these very issues. This has been especially significant for my own work with psychologist Brittany Tausen, 网易彩票app爱你的邻居和非人化. I am particularly interested in how we can form the faith of the next generation to address dehumanization and marginalization, while inviting people to grow in love for one another and for God.”