

  • 使校园设施的使用者熟悉学校的设施 停车期望
  • 为大学社区的所有参与者提供一个 的注册和使用规则的解释 机动车辆
  • 确保紧急车辆能畅通无阻地进入 在校园的任何时候


下面的定义专门用于 网易彩票下载停车规定.

  • 废弃的车辆: 任何机动车 已经连续10天没有开车了,而车主呢 无法立即识别或联系的. 车辆 如果被遗弃,将被扣留,费用由物主承担.
  • 学年: 时间间隔:中间的一段时间 秋季学期的第一天和春季学期的最后一天.
  • 急救车辆: 消防设备, 救护车,急救车,警车,还有校园 安全的车辆.
  • 机动车辆: 所有车辆 自行式(卡车、汽车、摩托车、摩托车和轻便摩托车).
  • 服务的车辆: 商业和 从事大学车辆的维修和保养 校园建筑或场地.


All students and employees who bring a car to campus must register their vehicle with the 安全与安保办公室 via Formstack (http://spu.formstack.com/forms/e_permit_application),不论车辆是停在街道上,还是停在特别警务处的停车场. 警务处不收取车辆登记费用, 但SPU确实收停车费, 并对未登记的车辆处以罚款. 车辆 must be registered within 10 business days of the start of a quarter (for students) or of the start of employment (for employees). 如果学生或员工想在校园内停车, 他们需要登记车辆并填写停车申请. 

登记车辆及申请校内停车许可证,可于表格stack (http://spu.formstack.com/forms/e_permit_application). 一旦你申请,一旦你的申请被处理, an e-permit will be issued to you; you will receive an email confirming your e-permit and any information specific to the lots that you are authorized to park in. 



SPU的区域停车系统包括四种类型的停车 领域:

  • 学生宿舍停车场
  • 教师/职员/学生通勤停车场
  • 访客停车场及计时区(30-60分钟)
  • 服务车辆停车场,消防通道和残疾人无障碍区域


爱默生大厅停车场的车位, 阿什顿大厅, 山厅, 阿奈特大厅, 校园公寓为居住在相应区域的学生保留. Dravus地块的第二层也保留给校园居民. On-campus student residents who register their vehicle and receive a space will be assigned a numbered space for the academic year. 作业将通过电子邮件进行沟通.

有些停车场空间有限. 空间分配将根据申请状态和候补名单发放, 取决于住所的建筑. 学生 who have applied for a space but have not received one will be added to the waiting list compiled during the application process. 在居民获得停车位之前,他们的车辆必须停在街上.

车辆 authorized to park in one of the above lots are not authorized to park in any other campus parking lot. 任何未经授权的汽车停在指定的住宅空间将被罚款和扣押. 宿舍或公寓停车场的分配基于:

  • 安全与安保办公室收到申请的日期
  • 学生的生活区
  • 学生的需要

通勤学生和住校学生可以申请通勤电子证, 这些车辆凭什么可以停在通勤停车场.


购买电子许可证的教职员工有权在任何通勤地段停车, 只要它不是这些地块中的指定空间.


车辆在拼车场地的指定许可证是“拼车”.” Faculty or staff participating in a carpool with three or more riders may receive a free reserved parking space by completing a Commute Trip Reduction form on Formstack (http://spu.formstack.com/forms/ctr_participation_form),并以电子许可证申请表格为车辆登记. 学生 need to have the primary driver register their vehicle and apply for all riders including their SPU ID numbers with the E-Permit Application form.

Those participating in a carpool with two riders may also receive a reserved parking space and will be charged half of the annual amount of a parking permit. 对于所有拼车,参与者将获得仅在其空间有效的电子许可证. 如果一个拼车成员不能参加,他或她必须停在街上. 在停车场停车,而不是在保留的拼车空间,可能会导致停车传票. All participants in carpools must register with the 安全与安保办公室 to receive these preferred spaces. 


All visitors are welcome to the campus and may park in the limited 访问or parking spaces in the lower Dravus lot, which visitors can park and can call the 安全与安保办公室 at (206) 281-2922 to register their vehicle for the day. 周末、节假日、学期休息和夏季学期不需要访客许可. 访客不得将车停在任何预留车位. 如下所述,校园内还有30分钟的停车位.


大学校园内的每个通勤停车场都设有无障碍停车场. 除了国家颁发的通行证外,指定的无障碍区域还需要大学颁发的许可证. 请透过电子许可证申请按常规程序办理停车登记, 或发邮件至transportation@spu.以取得无障碍停车许可证.


服务区域有 在校园内指定供任何大学使用 部门车辆. 授权的校外服务车辆 是否也允许使用这些特别指定的区域.


Customers of the bank or campus bookstore may park in this parking area for a period not to exceed 30 minutes. 不需要许可证. 在这些摊位停放超过规定时间的车辆将被引用.

30分钟和60分钟停车区: 校园周围有几个30-60分钟的停车场. 这些地点可由任何访客在不超过规定时间的情况下使用, 还有学生, 教职员工. 在这些摊位停放超过规定时间的车辆将被引用.


取消或更改:  取消许可证或要求更改许可证类型, 请透过表格stack (http://spu.formstack.com/forms/securityparkingchanges).

费用: 停车特权的收费表已记录在停车申请表上.

决赛周: 期末考试期间,学校将执行停车规则.

夏天类: 在夏天, 访客及学生可将车停在校园内任何停车场, 只要他们合法停车,不要停在任何装载区, 预留或无障碍空间(除非他们有国家颁发的许可证), 或者在消防通道. 没有长期的夏季停车场, 就像网易彩票app重新铺设路面一样, 在, 和其他施工在夏季.

车牌和地址变更: 必须透过“停车户口更改表格”(http://spu.formstack.com/forms/securityparkingchanges).

出售或交易的车辆: 如已登记车辆被出售或交易, 更改泊车户口表格必须透过“取消”选项(http://spu.formstack.com/forms/securityparkingchanges). 否则, the person who originally obtained the permit will be held responsible for any and all citations that the vehicle receives as long as the permit is valid. 

伪造或伪造: 任何伪造 of information renders the permit invalid and subjects the offender to disciplinary action from the University. 任何伪造, 伪造, or alteration of any permit issued by the University also subjects the offender to disciplinary action from the University.

无人看管车辆/引擎运行: 发动机运转时,车辆不得无人看管. 必须从无人看管的车辆上取下点火钥匙.

开放停车场: 开停车, 预留及无障碍空间除外, 在德拉沃斯是允许的, 克劳福德, 罗斯, OMH, 麦肯纳, 和第六大道西的地段.m. 和7a.m.周一至周五,周六全天,周日全天. 住在校外但在SPU上夜校的人, 无论是为了信用还是为了审计, are permitted to park in these lots during these times as long as their vehicle is registered with the 安全与安保办公室, 哪些是免费的.


非法停车: 任何车辆或车辆的任何部分未获授权停泊在消防车道, 卸货区, 服务区域, 预留的空间, 客人停车, 或在草坪或人行道上将受到罚款, 拖, 或两个. 任何双停或停在停车场外的车辆都将受到传票. Any vehicle that is parked in a manner which obstructs the flow of traffic or is parked in an unmarked space or alleyway will be subject to 拖.

拖曳政策: The owner of a vehicle that receives five parking violations will receive a letter as warning that the next citation will result in the immediate impoundment of the vehicle, 不作进一步警告,由船东承担风险和费用. 在下列情况下,车主不会收到警告信:

  • 防火线: Any unattended vehicle parked with any part of the vehicle extending into a fire lane area will be impounded if not moved within one hour from the time the citation is issued.
  • 服务区域: 服务区域被指定为一天24小时, 一周7天的拖车区, 并且仅限于有特殊标识或授权的车辆. 任何未经授权进入服务区的车辆随时可能被拖走或扣押.
  • 访问的空间: 无障碍空间被指定为24小时开放, 一周7天的拖车区, 并且仅限于持有特别国家标志和购买的有效无障碍许可证的车辆. 任何未经授权的车辆在任何时候都可能被拖走或扣押.
  • 住宅空间: 住宿学生有分配的空间可以, 通过向安全和安保办公室投诉, arrange to have violators parked in their assigned spaces either ticketed or towed at the expense of the owner of the vehicle. Any vehicle parked in a reserved residential space without authorization may be towed or impounded at any time.
  • 阻碍: Any vehicle which is obstructing an access route to a parking lot or building shall be impounded if not moved within one half hour from the time the citation is issued. 
  • 忽略直接警告: 如果车辆的所有者或司机无视校园保安人员要求移动车辆的要求, 车辆可能会被拖走或扣押,没有进一步警告. 紧急情况:任何遇到驻车刹车失灵的车辆, 从而对车辆和附近的人构成危险, 或者任何泄漏汽油的车辆, 可以马上拖走吗, 除非能找到船主来帮忙.
  • 特别活动或施工区域: 偶尔, there may be the need to have vehicles cleared from an area of campus in order to prepare for a special event or to secure a construction area to provide access for construction vehicles. 在这种情况下,将尽一切努力找到车主. 如果张贴了标志, 如果找不到主人, 车辆将被扣留,费用由车主承担. 如果情况需要,车辆必须在没有警告的情况下被拖走, 拖车费用由学校承担.



学生, 教师, 工作人员负责对他们的车辆发出的任何传票, 不管车辆是否在安全与安保办公室登记. 如果访客在大学附属人员登记的车辆中收到传票, 车辆登记的人负责传票. It is the responsibility of the students or 教师/staff members to instruct others who drive their vehicle as to where they may park.


Citations will be issued to any vehicle 停在 University property that is in violation of the 停车规定, 或者车辆没有显示有效的SPU停车许可证或访客许可证. If, 在安全与安保办公室发出五张传票和一封警告信之后, 车辆再次违反《网易彩票下载》的, 货物将被扣押,风险和费用由货主承担, 无须进一步警告. Payment of any 拖 and storage fees does not preclude the payment of the citation for failure to register or of any monies due on the issued citations.


  • 第一次犯罪:35美元
  • 第二次犯规:35美元
  • 第三次犯规:35美元
  • 第四次犯规:35美元
  • 每多犯一次,罚款35美元
  • 无障碍空间:45美元
  • 消防通道:45美元
  • 未能注册:$45


大学教师/员工: SPU的员工将被收取他们的SPU SFS账户的所有罚单和违规停车. 如不缴付罚款,将被取消所有泊车特权. 信息 教员/员工账户 学生财务服务.

学生: Charges for citations and other violations are assessed against the student's account in 学生财务服务. 信息 学生账户 可以在学生金融服务和SPU目录中找到.

客人/访客/供应商: Guests of the university or Vendors may pay their citation by reaching out to the Transportation team by emailing transportation@salamzone.com.


所有上诉必须在发出传票后10天内提出,否则可能失去上诉权. 上诉将由运输经理审核,他将通过电子邮件传达决定.


It is the responsibility of any person involved in any traffic accident on 网易彩票下载 property to report the incident immediately to the 安全与安保办公室, 可亲临艾默生街601号或致电206- 281-2911.


网易彩票下载校园是私有财产. The University reserves the right to deny any person permission to operate or maintain a motor vehicle thereon. 不注意这种拒绝可能构成侵权. The University reserves the right to inspect any unidentified motor vehicle 停在 University property in order to learn the identity of the owner or operator, 为了去除, 由蓄水, 违反本规定的车辆, 停放不当, 或对他人的健康或财产构成危害.

大学不承担照顾的责任, 保护, 或者损害, 在任何时间对机动车辆或其所载物品进行操作, 停在, 或搬离大学财产.



找到SPU的方向, 到了这里,你就可以用校园地图和校园无障碍地图找到路.