
网易彩票下载致力于为校园社区维护一个安全和健康的环境. 然而, 因为没有任何安全系统可以消除所有的风险, the University asks each member of the SPU community to contribute to campus safety. 为了帮助大家, 网易彩票下载制定了一些政策和程序,由安全与安保办公室(206-281-2922)和网易彩票下载办公室(206-281-2481)管理。.


OSS每周7天,每天24小时运作. 战略情报局协助所有紧急情况, 管理所有的停车和机动车, and offers safety escorts for individuals walking on campus. The office is located at 601 West Emerson and can be reached at 206-281-2922. In emergency situations, call 206-281-2911 (x2911 on campus). OSS suggests that you add “SPU 911” to your cell phone contacts with the number 206-281-2911.


禁止攀爬任何建筑物的外部, 任何时候学生都不允许上屋顶. 任何物体或物质都不得掉落, 扔, 或者是从楼梯井里倒出来的, 从任何窗口出去, 或者从阳台上下来. 窗户纱窗不得拆除. Such acts can be extremely dangerous and pose a threat to the safety of others.


宿舍一直是锁着的. 当您离开房间时,您有责任随身携带钥匙和猎鹰卡. 通过撑开或以其他方式关闭外部门危及其他居民安全的学生, or by letting unauthorized individuals into the building (intentionally or carelessly), 是否受到纪律处分.


SPU is concerned with the welfare of 教师, 工作人员, and students at all times. Since emergency situations are a potential threat to the safety of those at the University, 教师, 工作人员, 学生们必须了解在危机时刻将使用的紧急程序. Familiarize yourself with these procedures by reading the manual provided at salamzone.com/emergency. The University hopes to be spared the need to implement these emergency procedures; however, 如果真的发生严重的紧急情况,彻底了解这个计划就最有希望提供最大程度的安全.


在紧急情况下, the SPU-Alert System allows SPU officials to send nearly simultaneous messages via cell phone, 短信, 和电子邮件. Text messaging has proven to be the quickest way to receive an alert. 学生可以通过多个电子邮件地址快速方便地更新网易彩票app, 手机号码, and telephone numbers by logging into the Banner Informational System, 选择个人菜单, 然后选择紧急警报系统.


While the SPU-Alert system identifies how to contact someone in the event of an emergency, the Emergency Contact Information identifies whom to contact if something happens to a student. 学生应添加多个紧急联系人(例如.g., parents, siblings, and grandparents) and periodically review whom they’ve listed. 登入横幅资讯系统, 选择个人菜单, ,然后选择“紧急联系信息”.


学生可能希望提供个人健康信息,以便在紧急情况下应急人员使用. Supplying personal health information is voluntary for each student; however, students with specific health issues are urged to take advantage of this opportunity. 这样做, 登入横幅资讯系统, 选择个人菜单, 选择紧急联系信息, and then select the 其他紧急/医疗信息 link on the bottom of the page. 只有OSS工作人员才能获得这些信息,以协助应对紧急情况,而不会转发给任何其他个人或部门.



根据高等教育机会法案, 维护校内住房的机构应当, 按年计算, 发布消防安全报告. 为合规起见,本报告包含在年度保安及消防安全报告中, 全文可在 安全与安保办公室 网站.

报告火灾是每个人的责任. 所有对校园内人员或财产造成威胁的火灾应立即报告给OSS,电话:206-281-2911和911. 另外, 对不被认为是紧急情况的火灾的担忧可以报告给宿舍生活协调员, 一个主管, 一名指定的建筑物紧急协调员, 设施及项目管理, 或者安全办公室.



每个公寓里都有一个灭火器. 了解你的地址在哪里. 不要移动灭火器. 如果灭火器是用来灭火的, immediately notify OSS and it will be replaced at no cost. 大学每月检查一次灭火器, 但租户应定期检查压力表,以确保灭火器充好电. An extinguisher that is partially 使用d will lose pressure and must be recharged. If the needle indicates that it is undercharged or overcharged notify OSS. Barbecue grills and combustible 材料s such as propane, 汽油, 煤油, 以及含有可燃物质的物品(如.g., lanterns) are not permitted inside the apartment (including 存储 closets/units).

Beca使用 of the risk of burning incense or an open flame left unattended, 在宿舍里是禁止使用的. Candles or lanterns may not be 使用d even in the event of a power outage. Residents are encouraged to have flashlights or similar devices to provide emergency lighting.

In accordance with state law, smoking is prohibited in University buildings. This includes balconies and stairwells to residence hall rooms or public areas.


Smoke alarms are located on the ceiling/wall in every apartment. 了解你的手机在哪里. When the alarm is set off, it will make a loud piercing sound. If the alarm beeps intermittently, the batteries need to be replaced. 尽快通知OSS. 篡改烟雾探测器可能会受到纪律处分,包括罚款和/或驱逐. 烹饪产生的过量烟雾或浴室产生的过量蒸汽可能会触发烟雾报警器. 如果发生这种情况, simply ventilate the apartment by opening the doors and windows and turning on the fan. 当烟雾或蒸汽完全从该区域移除时,探测器将自动停止探测.


合法的火警可以挽救生命. When activated, the alarm sounds in the entire building and everyone must evacuate immediately. 宿舍有紧急程序标志,指示建筑物的指定疏散区域.


安全与安保办公室与宿舍工作人员一起为每个宿舍进行季度消防演习. Students are instructed on evacuation procedures during this process.


占有, 使用, 存储, 制造, 运输, 显示, 出售, 或者烟花的分发, 实弹, 燃烧装置, 炸药, 易燃液体, and all other hazardous 材料s is strictly prohibited on University property. 丙烷和其他压缩气体(包括喷漆)也被禁止,除非被批准用于特定目的. “危险物质”一词是指任何危险物质, 有毒, 或者有害物质, 材料, 或由包括任何大学校园在内的任何司法管辖区的任何地方政府管理的废物, 华盛顿州, 或者美国. Items so prohibited will be confiscated and disposed of by University 工作人员 members, and the student(s) responsible will be subject to disciplinary action, 包括被解雇, 可能还有刑事起诉.


网易彩票下载有一项网易彩票app识别和应对失踪人口情况的政策. 大学社区的任何成员如果有理由相信居住在校园宿舍的学生失踪,应立即致电206-281-2911给OSS打电话. 担心学生失踪也可以报告给网易彩票下载办公室或学生咨询中心, 它会立即将失踪学生报告转交给安全与安保办公室吗.

OSS will generate a missing-person report and initiate an investigation. 当学校确定可以帮助失踪的非住宿学生时,出于对学生福利的考虑,学校可能会调查他们的情况.

在调查了失踪人口报告之后, should OSS determine that the student is missing and has been missing for more than 24 hours, 西雅图警察局(SPD)将会收到通知. 当学校有理由相信学生在非自愿情况下处于危险或失踪状态时,可以立即通知有关当局. 在确定学生失踪后不迟于24小时通知学生的紧急联系人. If the missing student is under 18 years of age and is not an emancipated individual, 在确定学生失踪超过24小时后,SPU将立即通知学生的父母或法定监护人.

除了注册一个紧急联系号码, 如果确定学生失踪超过24小时,住在校内宿舍的学生可以选择保密地确定一个人,由大学联系. 如果学生确定了这样一个人, 学校将在确定学生失踪后不迟于24小时通知该个人. Students who wish to identify a confidential contact can do so through the 横幅资讯系统. Select the Personal Menu, then choose the Emergency Contact Information tab. 选择添加新联系人或编辑现有联系人. Under the “Relationship” drop down menu, select “Missing Person Contact.如果您对将您的个人联系信息输入Banner信息系统有任何疑问,请联系CIS服务台.


对于需要步行到校园不同区域或校园外合理距离(几个街区)的学生,可以提供安全护送服务. Note that this service is offered in the interest of safety, not convenience. Escorts are also available for students with limited mobility. For an escort, call 206-281-2922 (x2922 from a campus phone).


校园安全设备, 包括紧急电话, 相机, 还有灭火器, 不应篡改或使用不当. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.


如果一个学生故意进入或非法停留在另一个人的房屋内,他或她可能会被指控犯有非法侵入罪, or if he or she fails to leave when instructed by the occupant, 宿舍生活办公室的工作人员, 或者保安人员.


Malicious destruction or defacing of another’s property is a criminal offense. 任何犯有破坏公物罪的人都将被要求修理和更换损坏的财产,并被自动罚款. 破坏公物 is subject to disciplinary action and may result in criminal prosecution.


拥有, 使用, 存储, 制造, 运输, 显示, 出售, or distribution of firearms and other weapons is prohibited on or around University property, 包括学生宿舍和公共区域. If your circumstances do not allow you to leave these items at another location, 你必须让战略情报局帮你保存. 违禁武器包括, 但不限于, BB弹枪, 漆枪, 软弹气枪枪支, 眩晕枪, 泰瑟枪装置, 武术武器, 折叠超过3英寸长的刀片, 弓箭, 弹弓, 水球发射器, any other weapon listed in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 9.以及任何形式的弹药. Realistic facsimiles of weapons and counterfeit weapons are also prohibited.
