Standards of Scholarship for Doctoral Degrees

The following standards apply to all students seeking a doctoral degree at 网易彩票下载.


  • 你必须圆满完成 经批准的学习计划.
  • You must complete at least a 3-credit graduate course 基督教的信仰和价值观. 
  • 你必须保持 the professional and personal standards expected of graduate students stipulated for each program. Failure to maintain these standards may result in removal from the program of study and degree status. 
  • 你必须保持 the required minimum cumulative SPU GPA in your program, which will be no lower than 3.0,在某些程序中可能更高.
  • No course for which a grade less than a C (2.0)是挣来的 may be accepted toward a doctoral degree. Higher standards may be required by specific programs. 
  • Doctoral courses may not be taken for a pass/no-credit option, with the exception of thesis, dissertation, research, practicum, internships, and projects. Any exceptions are determined at the discretion of the doctoral programs.
  • All doctoral internship, thesis, and project courses must be completed within three years of initial enrollment in the course. Students enrolled in such courses will receive a doctoral in-progress grade of “G” until the course is completed. After a lapse of three years the “G” becomes permanent.
  • All courses applied toward doctoral degrees must be taken within a specific period immediately preceding the granting of the degree. Each doctoral program’s length is noted in the specific program section.
  • 最后15个学分 必须在SPU获得.


  • Generally, no more than 9 credits taken at SPU before admission to a specific degree program will apply toward a doctoral degree, 尽管有些项目, 由他们自行决定, 可能允许更多学分. 
  • The number of SPU credit-by-examination 课程及工作坊 that may be applied toward a doctoral degree are determined by the individual doctoral program (see program section for specifics). Only admitted students are eligible for the credit-by-examination option and examinations may be taken only in quarters in which the student is enrolled at SPU. 看到 额外的信息 about credit-by-examination in this catalog.
  • Credits accepted in transfer toward your degree must be from a regionally accredited institution or an international institution with comparable government recognition, unless catalog pages for your degree program itemize specific policies and standards for the acceptance of credits from non-regionally accredited institutions.
  • 学分数 taken at other regionally accredited universities that can be transferred toward a specific doctoral degree program varies (see program section for specifics). The credits must be in classes that are functionally identical to courses required by the SPU program and are accepted at the discretion of the specific program.
  • 一个学分课程, 无论是季度制还是学期制, are not transferable and may not be applied toward a doctoral degree.
  • No doctoral work taken at another institution during the time a student is working on a doctoral degree at SPU may apply toward an SPU degree, unless the student has the prior written approval of the program director.
  • SPU does not award credit for prior learning.
  • You must make application for any required 综合考试 at least four weeks before the examination is scheduled and pay the 综合考试 fee at 学生财务服务(SFS).
  • 学位被授予并公布 to your transcript based on the quarter in which you fulfill all degree requirements. Your degree will be posted within one quarter after your lastuarter of enrollment.
  • 你必须支付装订费 the requested copies of the thesis/project (if applicable) to the appropriate graduate office.