
For any alternative private loans, be sure to complete the loan application 30 days before the start of your enrollment to avoid late fees or holds preventing registration. It may take this additional time before SPU receives the funds.


Terms and conditions for alternative (private) loans may be less favorable than those of federal student loans. We recommend that you use all eligibility for federal aid and fully explore the loan terms and options for repayment before applying for an alternative loan. Be sure to fill out your FAFSA, (the Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Borrow only what you need to avoid excessive debt that may affect your future plans.

These worksheets can help you calculate what you will owe:

考虑查看SPU payment plans to determine if they may be an alternative to borrowing.


Students may borrow alternative loans up to the cost of attendance, 减少财政援助, 以贷款人贷款限额为准. Comparing information about eligibility, repayment, and other terms and conditions for loans offered by different lenders will help you make an informed decision. Find this information on the lender’s website or by speaking with the lender(s).

Check out FASTChoice for information about loans and lenders used by other SPU students.

不知道该问你的贷款人什么? Here's help.
  • 有登记吗? requirements? (i.e., Is the loan available for less than half-time or non-matriculated students?)
  • 是令人满意的学术 进步需要?
  • 什么需求 must be met to use the loan for past-due balances?
  • 有什么费用吗?? If so, what are they and when are they charged?
  • 贷款人提供福利吗 for on-time payments or auto-debit payments?
  • 你有多长时间 偿还贷款?
  • 有提前支付吗 penalties?
  • 有延期的选择吗 或者减少支付?
  • 最高和最低的是什么 贷款利率?
  • 有最高限额吗 可收取的利息?
  • 利率是固定的吗 or variable?
  • 如果是变量,频率是多少 可变利率会变化吗?
  • 利息多久被资本化一次 (i.e.”校长又说。?
  • 谁来服务 the loan?

Sometimes you can get a better interest rate by having a cosigner, even if you don't need one. Also ask:

  • Is a co-signer required?
  • 如果使用共同签署人, will the credit of the borrower or the co-signer be used to establish the terms of the loan?
  • 有什么要求? 因为他释放了一个共同签署人?

SPU utilizes ELM for efficient alternative loan processing and ELM/NDN for delivery of disbursements. If you select a lender that does not utilize ELM/NDN, additional time may be required for processing and receipt of disbursements.


Interest rates for alternative loans typically use either the prime rate or LIBOR (London Interbank offered rate) as the base rate. The margin is the additional percentage point added to the base rate by the lender. LIBOR variability has been smaller than the prime rate, which has tended to experience larger, 零星的变化. Remember: If an interest rate is variable, the rate may increase or decrease over the life of the loan.

Interest will begin to accrue immediately, but most loans offer in-school deferment. Lenders will have different policies regarding when capitalization of interest occurs. When interest is capitalized, the accrued interest is added to the principal. Therefore, the amount paid over the life of the loan will be greater if capitalization occurs more frequently.

你的信用评级 will affect the interest rate you will be charged. Factors reviewed by lenders may include:

  • 你的债务收入比
  • The length of your established credit
  • 您的付款记录

Typically, the better a borrower’s credit history, the better the interest rate will be. The 公平信用报告法 (FCRA) ensures that you can obtain a free credit report. You may order a free credit report from each bureau annually at AnnualCreditReport.com.

The interest rate for which you qualify will significantly affect the cost of your loan. These examples are estimates and for educational purposes only:

贷款金额为 $10,000:

  • Interest rate: 8%
  • Loan term: 15 years
  • 月还款额: $95.57
  • 支付的利息总额: $7,202.60
  • 累计支付: $17,202.60
  • Interest rate: 11%
  • Loan term: 15 years
  • 月还款额: $113.66
  • 支付的利息总额: $10,458.80
  • 累计支付: $20,458.80
  • Interest rate: 18%
  • Loan term: 15 years
  • 月还款额: $161.04
  • 支付的利息总额: $18,987.20
  • 累计支付: $29,987.20

A longer repayment term may mean a smaller monthly payment, but you will most likely pay more over the life of the loan due to accrued interest. These examples are estimates and for educational purposes only:

贷款金额为 $10,000 利率是 10%:

  • Loan term: 10 years
  • 月还款额: $132.15
  • 支付的利息总额: $5,858.15
  • 累计支付: $15,858.15
  • Loan term: 15 years
  • 月还款额: $107.46
  • 支付的利息总额: $9,342.80
  • 累计支付: $19,342.80
  • Loan term: 20 years
  • 月还款额: $96.50
  • 支付的利息总额: $13,161.66
  • 累计支付: $23,161.66

贷款计算器 may be helpful to estimate your monthly payment. To determine how much can be borrowed, use a 债务/工资计算器.

Find more loan resources to consider as you make your financial aid decisions.



另类(私人)贷款 are credit-based consumer loans offered by a lending institution, so a better credit rating secures a better interest rate. If you request additional funds later in the year, a second application may be required and the lender may need to pull your credit report again.

A Self-Certification form is required to receive an alternative loan, and a borrower must complete and submit this form to the lender.

The form will be returned to you via email to print, sign, and submit to your lender.

Note that regulations require the lender and borrower to complete several steps before the loan may be disbursed, 一旦批准, it may take an additional 30 days before SPU receives the funds.