
SPU social media platforms are maintained by staff members in University Communications. If you are posting on your own social media channels, remember to tag SPU. For questions about SPU social media platforms, contact Kelsey Chuang, social media specialist, at chuangt1@salamzone.com.



网易彩票下载: www.Facebook.com/seattle.太平洋.大学 
  • 主要页面.
  • 22.8k个赞和23k个粉丝. (12/22)

网易彩票下载校友: www.Facebook.com/seattle.太平洋.大学.校友

  • 4.6个赞和4个.6k粉丝(12月22日)
  • 由校友、家长和家庭关系维护.
  • 以校友为中心的网易彩票下载和事件.
  • 主要观众: 现在的、未来的和最近的毕业生.
  • 人口统计:18-60岁.
  • 主要用于学生群体功能, 群组信息, 连接/交流, 大众内容(好的/坏的/等等., while Instagram is just one main photo or a carousel up to 10 photos that sum up a day or event.)
  • 内容:帖子包括网易彩票下载, 学术信息, 视频, 事件, 校园的照片, 学生的特点, 校友的成就, 还有网易彩票app信仰和文化的深思熟虑的文章.

If you would like to know more about paid Facebook ads (paid promotions to targeted audiences), 联系你的大学传播专家.


渠道: instagram.com/spu_seattle太平洋
主要观众: 现在的、未来的和最近的毕业生, over 9k followers (12/22)
年龄在13 -

  • Goal: Establish and manage SPU’s presence through creating and publishing content to engage and inform our audience.
  • 内容:与SPU(信仰)相关, 学者, 西雅图, 学生), 学生的兴趣, 代表了校园/网易彩票下载的各个方面. 内容包含实时更新和覆盖, 真实性, 多样性, 社交媒体趋势, 创造力, 以及充满活力的SPU社区.
  • Personalized (scroll/follow through feed designed with users’ interests.内容丰富,质量高. Doesn’t feel like audience is being spammed by ads or 文章.
  • Maintained by the University Communications 社交媒体 Specialist Kelsey Chuang and student intern.

If you have ideas for an Instagram takeover or cross-channel post, 联系大学传讯部的凯尔西·庄.


渠道: www.linkedin.http://www.company/网易彩票下载
主要观众: Current, recent graduates, 校友, grad students, donors. 3.4万粉丝(12月22日)

  • Number one platform when it comes to business-to-business social media marketing.
  • 以联系专业人士而闻名.
  • 内容:研究生课程,信仰 & Co., campus news or updates, 工作清单, 校友 stories, upcoming 事件/讲座, SPU之声播客, 学院网易彩票下载, 校友网易彩票下载, 研究文章, 与SPU所有观众相关的视频, 运动成就.



@西雅图Pacific -所有SPU感兴趣的网易彩票下载,事件,照片. This account is comprised of 父母, 校友, some students, and local organizations.

@SPUnews — Dedicated to news, breaking news, and current information. 主要观众: Current, prospective, recent graduates, 教师, staff.

  • Both accounts are maintained by University Communications.
  • 的故事 网易彩票app 大多数校园公共活动都在Twitter上发布, but the channels are always looking for interesting campus news.
  • It’s easier to share information on Twitter if you have a website with the event information. (一个面向公众的Facebook页面也可以.)
  • 总是在寻找与sbu相关的照片.

Content post frequency: Minimum of three tweets per day, based on when audience checks Twitter and scheduling  around when they’re most likely to engage.

  • 8 a.m. 年龄较大的观众(e).g., 父母, 校友, 教师, 捐助者), 所以任何与网易彩票app/更新有关的内容, 研究生项目, 校友 网易彩票app 文章, 工作清单, 播客, 即将到来的校园演讲/讲座, 捐赠的日子, # TBT的照片, 退休教师信息, 信仰 & Co. 视频, 或者一般信息, SPU教师的研究文章/成果, 假期, 鼓舞人心的圣经经文, 等.
  • 12 p.m. 老年和年轻观众的混合.g., current students, recent SPU graduates, prospective): Campus 事件 (神圣的声音, 戏剧系的戏剧, 音乐会), 校园讲座, 西雅图 explorable spots (not necessarily relevant to SPU but showing off how 西雅图 is an amazing city ), local coffee shops/restaurants/spots people could visit, 体育成就, 学生成绩(i).e., 护理学生与REST合作, a nonprofit last year to create a tool kit for health care providers), 校园的照片, 转发其他SPU项目/部门的推文, 提供专业的, 等.
  • 6 p.m. Younger audience (current students, undergraduate 学生): 西雅图 adventure, 网易彩票app 文章, 财政援助信息, YouTube 视频 from the SPU channel (网易彩票app SPU 视频 or resource 视频, 比如学习桌, 参观宿舍楼, 校园旅游), 播放列表从SPU Spotify频道, 社交媒体标签假期, anything featuring fellow students or content that is relevant to students or something they’d care about. (Avoid regularly posting recap 视频 unless the same event is happening soon and you’re using the video to promote the event).


渠道: www.youtube.com/user/西雅图Pacific
主要观众: 现在的、未来的和最近的毕业生
人口: 年龄在18岁至29

  • 第二受欢迎的搜索引擎,仅次于谷歌.
  • SPU has two channels: The main channel has more than 11,000 subscribers and is used for brand marketing; the second channel houses 视频 of 教师 introductions of program, 讲座, 网站视频, 教堂, 等.
  • 内容: Videos mainly fall under different playlists including 网易彩票app SPU/Our Story, 猎鹰专题/网易彩票下载(事件回顾), 学生面试), 学术严谨, 宿舍之旅, 常见问题. 为什么选择SPU
  • 制作视频 由外部视频制作公司或内部. 播放列表还包括学生制作的有机视频.

不鼓励创建一个新的YouTube频道. To upload content to SPU’s existing accounts, contact your University Communications specialist.


主要观众: 未来和现在的学生
人口: 年龄13 - 17

  • 2016年夏季推出.
  • 4421个朋友.
  • 更真实/原始的自我投射.
  • Less social pressure to portray “cool” image; more casual and fun.
  • 创建 你生命中某一天的故事.
  • 即时访问实时更新.
  • Mainly used for ad campaigns to prospective students through our third-party ad agency.
  • Will re-post stories posted to Instagram onto Snapchat.
  • Maintained by 社交媒体 Specialist Kelsey Chuang and student intern.



通道: http://open.spotify.com/user/itpil4k9p3yl9nbls4okzux0r 
人口: 年龄18 - 24

  • Spotify是一种数字音乐, 播客, and video streaming services that gives users access to millions of songs from artists all over the world.
  • Basic functions such a playing music or creating playlists are free.
  • Spotify users listen on an average of more than two hours per day.
  • SPU has been utilizing Spotify to create playlists using songs recommended by students for various 事件 such as snow days, 完成大学申请, 研究, 夏天开车, 灵修》, 圣诞节, 和更多的.
  • Playlists are created by 社交媒体 Specialist Kelsey Chuang and a student intern.
  • UC is able to help promote and feature other department playlists on the SPU Spotify platform.


通道: http://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJus8BQQ/

Maintained by 社交媒体 Specialist Kelsey Chuang and a student intern.
Goal: Showcasing all aspects of campus life and giving prospective students a glimpse into what life at SPU is like in a fun and authentic way.

  • 内容:经常, the most basic and fun concepts are the most successful (for example: lip sync impersonations, 短舞挑战). Putting your own unique and relevant spin on an existing trend (including a hashtag) has a better chance for success.
  • TikTok is a video-sharing network appealing to Gen-Z and millennials. 视频编辑工具(滤镜), 背景, 贴纸, 字幕, 修剪, 音乐)都可以在应用程序中使用. The biggest appeal for TikTok is the ability to post about anything: humor, hobbies, music, 等. and creating micro-entertainment that is easily shareable or re-creatable.