

在线 工商管理硕士 (工商管理硕士) program at 网易彩票下载 is a management degree that provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in 今天’s complex and changing business environment.

The 工商管理硕士 program enhances your past academic work and professional experience, 为你承担更高的责任做准备. It is intended primarily for the working professional who has achieved a meaningful level of career success following the baccalaureate degree. As you now recognize the need to develop and expand your knowledge and expertise in the management area, this program enables you to become more effective in current responsibilities or to open opportunities for new responsibilities.

西雅图太平洋的 商业、政府和经济学院 是否致力于为您提供申请, 经验, and collaborative learning environment in which business and Christian faith, 道德, 和性格是一体的. The objectives of the program are to develop your abilities to do the following:

  • 提供基于价值观的领导 从一般管理的角度来看.
  • 策略性地思考和行动 在快速变化和不确定的条件下.
  • 有效管理组织 through developing people and integrating business processes with information technology.
  • 运用深入的知识 在以下领域之一:影响企业(企业家精神), 业务流程的管理, 人力资源, 数据分析, 信息系统管理, 或网络安全.
  • 有效沟通, 团队合作, 运用资讯科技, 自我评估个人能力, 的优势, 和弱点. 


The 工商管理硕士 program develops your readiness to act as a purpose-driven, cross-functional 领袖. The 50 credit curriculum includes core and elective courses organized into four course clusters. It 假定事先学习了商业基础知识. A minimum of 50 credits must be earned, at least 36 of which must be completed 在SPU. 也就是说,你最多可以转三门课程(9学分) 其他AACSB认可的机构,并获得SBGE助理的批准 研究生院院长.


你的核心课程,38个学分,培养你的整体企业观. You may not fulfill these courses by undergraduate coursework; transfer credit will be given only for graduate-level courses covering the same body of knowledge 从 other AACSB institutions. 


通过选择特定的选修课, you can tailor the degree to meet your individual needs and your career interests.


  • 影响企业
  • 组织管理
  • 人力资源
  • 商业智能与分析
  • 信息系统管理
  • 网络安全


先决条件 商科基础课程包括18个学分——BUS 6110、6120、6130、 6132, 6140, 6150, 6164, 6170, 6171. 本课程的作业可以通过事先完成 课程作业或可在SPU完成. 拥有微软办公软件® Excel用户证书® 也是一个先决条件.

在下列情况下, your coursework completed at the undergraduate level prior to admission to the program may fulfill one or more of the business foundation courses.

如果你在入学后七年内获得学士学位 to the program that included courses covering the same body of knowledge as foundations courses:

  • Courses in which you earned a minimum grade of “B” may fulfill foundation courses with comparable content. (如果分数低于B,见下文.)
  • A course taken for pass/no credit cannot fulfill a foundation course requirement.
  • 以满足总线6170的要求, 完成一门课程的最低成绩必须达到“B” 三个 参加这个项目的时间.

If you completed a bachelor’s degree more than seven years prior to admission 对于程序, or 本科成绩在B以下但不低于C+:

  • 你可以参加这门课的能力考试.
  • Competency tests must be completed within the year following your date of admission to the program.
  • 如果胜任能力考试成功完成, 适用的基础课程将被视为完成.
  • 如果你没有成功完成能力考试, you must take the graduate course or complete it via credit by examination for which tuition and an examination fee are charged.


一般来说,你至少得得3分.0 GPA in your undergraduate studies, at least a 500 GMAT total score (25V, 30Q, and 4.4AW)和至少连续一年的证据, 全职, substantive work experience after receipt of the bachelor’s degree on your résumé.


  • 在线申请 外加50美元的申请费.
  • 当前的简历 作为有实质性工作经验的证明. 你至少需要一年的时间, 连续全职, 申请时学士学位后的经验. 多多益善. 这是录取决定过程中的一个重要因素. Applicants with less than one year of post-baccalaureate professional work experience, but who are otherwise strong candidates and are currently employed in a meaningful professional role, 可以考虑.
  • 官方成绩单 从学院或大学就读. Include the transcript 从 the institution that granted your bachelor’s degree with the posted degree appearing on the transcript. Also send official 成绩单 for all institutions attended following your undergraduate degree, as well as any other schools where you earned credits that may be used to request fulfillment of business foundation courses.
  • GMAT(研究生管理学入学考试) 分数. GMAT 分数 above 500 (25 verbal; 30 quantitative; 4.有分析性写作能力者优先. 对于GMAT, SPU的学校代码是 C9FD273.
    • 累计GPA为3分的申请人可免除GMAT成绩要求.5; 累积平均分为3分.25 or above and 三个 years of post-baccalaureate professional work experience; or, 累积平均分为3分.0 and at least five years of post-baccalaureate professional work experience. The GMAT is also waived for applicants already possessing an advanced degree 从 an accredited university.
  • 个人陈述(3-4页) 回答在线申请中列出的论文问题.
  • 两个 在线申请中列出的专业推荐信 (可选).


SPU considers you to be a native English speaker if both your primary and secondary education took place in Australia, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 或美国(波多黎各除外).

If you are a non-native English speaker, you will need to demonstrate English proficiency,无论英语语言学习或学术历史.


  • 一位官员 托福考试 托福考试至少得86分
  • 一位官员 雅思考试 至少6分.5, or
  • 多邻国的官方分数是110分.

否则,托福成绩在68-85分(雅思6分)的优秀申请者.0) may be probationally or conditionally admitted with the requirement to successfully complete SPU approved ESL coursework prior to or at the outset of enrollment and continuing as needed.

如果符合以下条件,您可以免除英语水平测试的要求 you have earned baccalaureate or advanced degrees at 网易彩票下载, 在另一个地区认可的学院或大学在美国.S., 或者在澳大利亚认可的大学学习, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 或新西兰.


工商管理硕士课程以在线形式提供. It is available for international students who plan to learn while remaining in their home country. 它不适用于寻求在美国参加的学生.S. 持F-1签证.

除了上述要求外,国际学生还必须提交 对任何非美国学生的每门课程成绩单评估.S. 成绩单 从 世界教育服务(WES) or 国际服务基金会. (FIS). (A course-by-course evaluation is needed to determine if any pre-requisite foundations have been satisfied.) 

所有正式成绩单必须以英文提交. 国际申请者 are responsible for all costs associated with translation.


你的入学申请, 申请费, 个人陈述必须在以下日期前收到. 推荐信, 成绩单 and test 分数 must arrive before an admission decision can be made.

  • 秋天季度: 8月1日 
  • 冬季学期: 11月1日
  • 春季学期: 2月1日
  • 桑玛: 5月1日


Qualified individuals may take up to five courses if they have an undergraduate degree (as evidenced by 一位官员 transcript 从 an accredited institution); a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0; and a minimum of one year 全职 post-baccalaureate work experience (as evidenced by a current résumé).

资格预审的学生必须申请入学参加额外的课程. 资格预审状态不能保证在以后的日期全部录取.


入学材料请寄至 研究生招生. If you have questions, please contact the SBGE graduate program coordinator: