

教育学博士(EdD)项目 is a 90-quarter credit, post-master’s interdepartmental degree offered by the 教育学院. 该项目采用低住院率模式, with courses being offered online during the regular academic year and an on-campus component in the summer.

的 program serves school practitioners who are primarily interested in preparing for a variety of leadership positions in educational systems, 包括负责人, 地区办公室, 学校心理咨询, 以及其他领域. 

的 program also serves students interested in other related careers in education, 包括非营利组织和高等教育管理, 以及其他与教育相关的职业. It can be tailored to meet varied professional needs and interests. This degree is for active professionals interested in leadership positions in all fields and levels of education.


Using the educational benefits of collaborative and cooperative learning combined with continued professional association, 该项目对核心博士课程采用队列方法. 一旦被录取, 你作为一个小组的一部分继续学习这些队列课程, 遵循已定义的时间表和顺序.

因为这是一个跨部门的学位, you will select courses and learning experiences — with the assistance of the director of doctoral programs — from a variety of areas and opportunities in the 教育学院, or from other schools within 网易彩票下载 (subject to approval by the 教育学院 Doctoral Committee).


的 specialization/elective component provides students with the opportunity to develop an area of expertise appropriate to professional and academic 目标. 你可从以下范畴选择:

  • 课程与教学
  • 数字教育领导
  • 行政领导
  • 读写能力
  • 学校心理咨询

作为一种选择, you may elect to “self-design” a specialization by partnering with your advisor to select elective coursework that aligns with your 目标.

获得华盛顿州认证 负责人, 主要, 项目管理员, or 学校辅导员 is possible as an area of specialization while working on the EdD degree. It is also possible to pursue a MEd in Digital Education Leadership or a 数字教育工作者证书 while concurrently working on the EdD degree.


这取决于你的教育背景, the following prerequisites may be required for the doctoral degree:

  • 教育研究与统计概论
  • EDU 6975口译与应用教育研究1
  • 口译与应用教育研究2
  • 《人类发展与学习原理
  • 课程设计
  • 教学策略调查
  • 以标准为基础的评估


经过大约一年的课程学习, 或者24学分, 你可以报名参加EDU 7990领导力研讨会. This 需要 you to write a scholarly paper and present the paper in a formal setting to the educational community.

Graduate faculty of the 教育学院 conduct an evaluation of the scholarship and Colloquium. 的 Leadership Colloquium must be taken before the comprehensive exams.

Upon completion of all courses, you must pass two written comprehensive examinations. 的se examinations will cover the foundations and research components of the core course requirements. Successful completion of the comprehensive examination advances you to doctoral candidacy.


Under the direction of a faculty dissertation advisor and committee, you will complete a dissertation project during the final phase of the degree program. 的 dissertation is designed to integrate theories and tools learned throughout the program, 并且应该展示你对概念和方法的掌握. 作为学术能力的最后证明, you will prepare a written dissertation report and conduct an oral presentation/defense.

的 dissertation requirement may be fulfilled by a study of an educational problem such as curriculum evaluation, 管理模式的发展和评价, 对诊断工具或课程材料进行实地测试, 或教育工作者培养模式的开发与评价. 也可以采取传统的研究性学习形式. You are encouraged to take additional research courses linked to specific dissertation methods and design.

You will choose problems of practice originating from external practitioners and policymakers, generated through the suggestion and review of faculty members. 外部从业者可能包括学区, 教育服务区(esd), 大学, 国家机构, 研究小组.


申请人必须提交下列资料至 研究生招生:

  • 在线申请 50美元的申请 手续费.
  • 官方成绩单 documenting excellent undergraduate and graduate GPAs from an accredited institution where an academic degree was conferred. 包括硕士后学位研究生课程.
    • 如果你的学位不是美国大学的.S. college or university, please arrange for your transcript to be evaluated by a nace成员-认可的凭证服务. Acceptable credential services include, but are not limited to, 世界教育服务 (韦斯)和 国际服务基金会 (FIS).
  • 个人陈述 (不超过500字)表达你的职业计划, 目标, 学习的重点, 也是攻读教育学博士学位的理由.
  • 最近的四封推荐信, including two academic and two professional recommendations.
  • 的简历 documenting a minimum of three years of successful experience at the P–12 level or other similar educational setting.

在提交所有这些项目之后, 你的档案将由核心研究生教员审阅. You will be contacted regarding the status of your application, 安排一次面试, 大约两周内.

All correspondence regarding the interview process will be carried out by email using the address you provide in the application. 请设置相应的电子邮件过滤器.


  • 学生必须连续入学 在SPU必修课程中获得博士学位, 或者直到正式退出这个项目. Exceptions to continuous enrollment must be approved by the program director.
  • 学生可以获准休假 最多四个季度由项目主管负责. 一旦休假期满, the student will either enroll in graduate coursework or be dropped from the program.
  • 大学学术政策 需要 continuous enrollment to remain admitted in a graduate program. 经过四个季度的不登记, students will be placed in “inactive status” and will need to reapply for admission.
  • 如果学生决定不再攻读博士学位, the student may officially withdraw from the program and SPU by notifying the program director and the associate director of graduate programs.




Students must complete all requirements for the doctoral degree within five years from the quarter the first post-admission course was taken. Students needing more than five years to complete the degree must file a time-extension petition with the director of doctoral programs.


录取材料请寄至 研究生招生. If you have questions about graduate education or certification programs: